Thursday, September 12, 2024

2 months....

It has been almost 2 months since I have made a new post, huh? I mean, writing is just as simple as breathing in, right? Not really... Because I also have a life, even though it is mundane.

Also, about Higurashi... I am still stuck in Chapter 3 of the Watanagashi Chapter... ( ̄ヘ ̄) Hella lazy right now.

BUT...! Now I am kinda interested in Devil May Cry series, which is funny because I hate Shin Megami Tensei, but at least DMC isn't full on blasphemous like SMT, so here's that.

Anyways, peace and God bless.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Microsoft Windows had an Outage LMBOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

 I was on YouTube TV when suddenly the popular search results popped up, which includes the topic I like to talk about; Microsoft Outage. It just happened around few hours ago and during that time, my laptop was (and still is) on running*. The fact it happened at the worst time possible (being around early morning in Eastern parts of America), with people needing Windows for their occupation is just soooooo comedic, that it just makes me want to jump into Linux Mint one day or another, because that's pathetic form Microsoft. I think ever since Windows 8 released, Microsoft is going down into a downward spiral of failures after failures; putting things that will brings us MORE trouble than needed. Now this?! Man.... people have Windows for work, they need it: yet, Microsoft never stops from breaking their arms...

*: I don't know it didn't happen to my laptop, maybe it didn't have the update that caused the outage, or I don't have Windows 11. Still crazy that my laptop survived from this crazy event.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Irony and Hypocrisy of the Different Visual Novels I Read

Does anyone knows about Key? You know, the ones that made CLANNAD visual novel? Yeeeeah, I could say I am not a fan of them. Not because the stories don't interest me; heck, I might even enjoy them. But alas, they also have eroge visual novels on their belts, which made me lose any interest to read into their stuff.

Which brings me to another thing I want to say: Narcissu. While slow and kinda boring, the themes of illness and the ability to live life even amidst dealing with a terminal illness still makes me enjoy it, with its beautiful melancholic music enhancing the atmosphere of the story. So, what brings me to mention Narcissu here? Well.... The author of the series made eroge stuff in his another company he's in. Does it make this situation ironic? Definitely! And does it make me a clown? Probably yes. But does it mean I should delete the novel off my laptop and never touch it? I don't know, since I haven't even started reading Narcissu 2nd Side. I might be a silly hypocrite; since I will never touch any stuff that Key makes, even the clean ones; yet I had played Narcissu with no regrets. So, I just made this post to laugh myself of the situation I've put myself into. Have a good day.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why I enjoy Visual Novels.

So, why do I enjoy it? What this kind of game genre attracted me that I played them with enjoyment with my heart. Well, it combines things I like and really in need, like music, character portrait, backgrounds, and most importantly; narration and prose. Because my goodness, I really need to read more fiction.

(Also, I feel more special because of reading visual novels lol!)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Wallpaper That's Familiar...

 So today, while I was being a curios lad, scurrying around the web just looking at wallpapers that interest me, I was in this website named Info Wallpaper. As it is self-evident, it is a blog that have different types of wallpapers. Well, I decided to click at the post named "anime angel wallpaper", and the first thing I saw was this image.


Nothing out of place at first, since it is just a fairy wallpaper... But that where I was wrong here. Because... It was used as a wallpaper for Tavros Nitram's computer in Homestuck!!! Don't believe me? Here's the link (, and also the image below.

Tavros' Wallpaper

They look the same, with the only one difference is that there are troll horns on the fairy's head.

To be honest, it is crazy that I found this wallpaper nonchalantly, out of nowhere. Anywho, that's an interesting find, and thank you for reading this post. Have a blessed day.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

Narcissu, and the way I see it...

So recently, I've finally completed reading Narcissu after basically 2 months (due to school and laziness coming to me, lol), I have got to say, it felt mesmerizing reading it, from reading the character's dialogue, to its beautiful music. I can say, without a doubt, that you should play it by yourself, you will not regret it! (Also, spoilers will be on this post, so be warned!!) LINK OF THE GAME

Anyways, let's be on topic. There's that one character, named Setsumi, who lived her whole life dealing with a terminal illness. And because of those circumstances, she has to stay in the hospital to treat her illness, only leaving from it to go to her home 3 times. Once that number reached to three, yup, go back to the hospital and never leave there forever. Because of that, she basically just given up on her dreams, her aspirations, her joy and her life. She can just die in the hospital or in her house if she wants to, but she doesn't want that. That's where Yuu Atou* comes in. He, like Setsumi, has a terminal illness and was taken to the hospital to be taken care of. He felt bored by just being in hospital reading comic, so he went to the living room of the hospital and met Setsumi there. At first, they didn't interact that much, but after watching the narcissus flower that was shown on the TV, they decided to escape from the hospital using his father's car and go to the island that have the narcissus flowers.

After escaping the hospital, they arrived at a lake during night-time, they stopped there. Then Setsumi walked towards the lake, contemplating about committing suicide, which then she asked Yuu whether he would stop her or not, which he wondered for a while...

After this event, they kept on going in their journey. While going to their journey, they had times of peace, sadness and happiness. When they finally arrived at the island, both of them looked at the beautiful narcissus, then stayed in their car for few days.

Once they got out of the car to go to the shores of the island, Yuu took pictures of Setsumi, where she smiled for the first time in her life. Then, she asked him about the same question she told when they were on the lake. She then took her own life, and that's where the story ends.

You know, even though both of them have a terminal illness where they'll never recover from it no matter what, and then die, they still experienced life to the fullest on their journey to the island, and it made me reflect. If they can live life through their journey with the limited time they have, why should I waste my time doing nothing. when I have the miracle to be alive and not having a terminal illness? And that's what I think is the theme of Narcissu, is to live life to the fullest even with the limited time you have in this world. That's the way I see it.

Thank you for reading this and have a blessed day.

(*: While he doesn't have a name in the visual novel, he was given a name on the supplementary works of Narcissu.)

2 months....

It has been almost 2 months since I have made a new post, huh? I mean, writing is just as simple as breathing in, right? Not really... Becau...