Thursday, October 5, 2023

Earliest Touhou Fan-made Illustration and very interesting music arranges.

One day, while I was scrolling down the comments of SC-55 Version of The Grimoire of Alice on YouTube, one comment caught my eye. Here's the image:

This made me make the thread 'Pre-Touhou 6 Doujin' in (LINK OF THE THREAD). Thanks for Yuuritsu for giving me the links of the websites. Now, this blog website specifically made me curious. Not only because it's the earliest fan-illustration, as what Yuuritsu said, but because of the music posted here in this blog. It is remixes of  Touhou music. Take a listen of their remix of "Tabula rasa ~ Empty Girl".

Not gonna lie, the beginning sounded like Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3. When I heard it for the first time, it sounded magical and old timey for me, like those 90s anime shows people watched in the past (It also made me warm up to the original song, so here's that.). It also sounds peaceful and calm, with the mixture of techno instruments and traditional Japanese instruments.

Okay, for the illustration. The moment you entered the blog, there's an image of PC-98 Reimu playing a flute, which Yuuritsu told me this is the earliest fan-made art of Touhou known. It isn't a full-on masterpiece, but it gets the job done and honestly, looks very nostalgic for me, since y'know, it was from the early 2000's? Yeeeah... Anyways, thanks for reading the post and have a blessed day.

Hitoshi Tomizawa's Gift.

 Hello everyone. Today is a good day for me, as after sending an email message to Hitoshi Tomizawa (Author of Alien 9), he sent me a respon...