Friday, November 10, 2023

How I feel about Shin Megami Tensei?

Shin Megami Tensei is probably a well-known JRPG game in the gaming world. It is basically thanks to it that Persona even exists for the first place. Everyone seems to enjoy this game series. So, what's up? Well... I'm not really a fan of its gimmick of using demons to assist you in battles, Baal being a popular character as one user posted in a thread of a Christian forum. Well, isn't that concerning? While I know this is not enough reasons (heck, I believe it is a small list of reasons,), the blunder is so big, that I can't easily accept that, and I'm a dude who make posts about Touhou!! I'll be bewildered if a Christian plays Shin Megami Tensei/Persona, since it has things that are so out of bounds, so demonic stuff in it, that I can't bring myself to even play it for a second. So, yeah, I don't like this game series, that's all. Anyways, it was short, but have a good day.

Addendum: Soooo, an update. So, one day I chatted with Christians on a discord server that is Christian anime server, and one of them told me in Shin Megami Tensei 2, you fight YHVH as the boss (basically God), and as expected, I wasn't happy about that, since you're basically fighting with an omnipotent God (And also blasphemous thing to do here). Just further deepens my distaste with it.

Hitoshi Tomizawa's Gift.

 Hello everyone. Today is a good day for me, as after sending an email message to Hitoshi Tomizawa (Author of Alien 9), he sent me a respon...