Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why I enjoy Visual Novels.

So, why do I enjoy it? What this kind of game genre attracted me that I played them with enjoyment with my heart. Well, it combines things I like and really in need, like music, character portrait, backgrounds, and most importantly; narration and prose. Because my goodness, I really need to read more fiction.

(Also, I feel more special because of reading visual novels lol!)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Wallpaper That's Familiar...

 So today, while I was being a curios lad, scurrying around the web just looking at wallpapers that interest me, I was in this website named Info Wallpaper. As it is self-evident, it is a blog that have different types of wallpapers. Well, I decided to click at the post named "anime angel wallpaper", and the first thing I saw was this image.


Nothing out of place at first, since it is just a fairy wallpaper... But that where I was wrong here. Because... It was used as a wallpaper for Tavros Nitram's computer in Homestuck!!! Don't believe me? Here's the link (, and also the image below.

Tavros' Wallpaper

They look the same, with the only one difference is that there are troll horns on the fairy's head.

To be honest, it is crazy that I found this wallpaper nonchalantly, out of nowhere. Anywho, that's an interesting find, and thank you for reading this post. Have a blessed day.

2 months....

It has been almost 2 months since I have made a new post, huh? I mean, writing is just as simple as breathing in, right? Not really... Becau...